I absolutely love brownies. I usually make them once a month. Probably don’t need to, but I do. I’m always playing with different variations. I personally always use some type of box mix, don’t fix what’s not broken. Maybe homemade is better? I don’t think I ever have had homemade? I did however recently see a brownie baking tray and that might be a game changer. Each brownie having 4 edges? OKKKKK
If you like brownies and peanut butter, this is for you!

- Brownie Mix and whatever ingredients you need from that as stated on package.
Peanut Butter Swirl
- 1/2 cup of creamy peanut butter
- 2 tbsp. butter melted
- 1/3 cup of powdered sugar
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
Set your oven as directed on your box of brownies. Mix your brownie mix and add it to your pan. Take the peanut butter swirl ingredients and mix together. Take scoops of the peanut butter mixture and plop it on your brownie batter. Then swirl it around with a knife and bake. I personally always under-bake just a little because I like them gooey. Allow to cool and then cut.