Do you remember that part of quarantine where people were making banana bread and watching the train wreck that was Tiger King? For a brief moment, we were in this dumpster fire of 2020 together, now not so much.
So I was flipping through old photos from April, which felt like last week and came across the day I made Dalgona coffee. It was a nice treat and easy to make. I usually drink my coffee with just almond/cashew milk, so this was a little sweet and creamy for me personally to consume every day. Nonetheless, I enjoyed it greatly.
I would enjoy this today outside, but ash is falling from the sky still because of the wild fires. Climate change is real, people are stupid and careless which caused one of them unnecessarily. Like natures pissed already stop adding accelerant to the fire.
All the firefighters, people who lost homes and first responders are in my thoughts and prayers during this time. I know it’s scary to leave your home in a emergency like this or a hurricane or other natural disaster but if they tell you to do it, do it! Don’t be selfish and force someone to come get you when shit gets too serious and you realize it is indeed getting too dangerous.

2 tbsp. instant coffee or espresso
2 tbsp. granulated sugar white, brown or coconut should all work
2 tbsp. warm/hot water
10 oz. of milk
Put instant coffee, sugar and water into a bowl and mix with a hand mixer until light in color and fluffy. Pour milk into a tall glass with ice and scoop the coffee mixture on top of it. You can dust it with cocoa powder or powder sugar to make a little fancy. If you want to really enjoy this drink, mix it all together and drink it. It’s kind of like a strong fluffy coffee milkshake.